Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Why Animal Testing Can Save Our Lives

Many years ago, heap follow particular traditions that involves savage sacrifice. According to biblical history, animals were often killed to use as sacrifices to God. In Genesis, Abraham sacrificed a ram after he was stopped by an angel to kill his son as a sign of full obedience to God. Clearly, animal sacrifices has been accepted ever since our ancestors had developed various religions w vex they believed meat offerings were pleasant to the eyes of their God. As one of the most composite ethical issues of today, animal testing can be viewed in the same way with the historical animal sacrifices.As humans in past were salve spiritually by offering animals, it is reasonable to conclude that animal testing is a kind of sacrifice that humans must do to save lives physically and emotionally. Why Animal Testing Can Save Our Lives One of the primary reasons why animal testing is considered helpful for the advance of man is the fact that it plays a significant role in the progress of medicine. Newly created medicines are safer to use by humans if they are tested on animals first.Some people believes that it is unethical and improper to use a drug if it has not been tested on animals before (Hayhurst, 20). They argue that it is the best possible way to determine if a drug is safe or not. They clearly have a point in this line of credit. Apparently, they believe that human lives are much important than animal lives. Many people who argue for animal testing agree that its unfortunate that animals must fewtimes suffer, but they feel that the pain is a small price to pay if it advances experience and produces new cures for deadly diseases such as cancer and AIDS (Hayhurst, 21).On the other hand, people who are against animal testing argue that animal lives should in any case be treated with utmost importance and should not be used as sacrifices to attain something. One of the points of these people are the fact that some decorative manufacturers also engage in animal testing to try their products. They believe that such products are unnecessary for animals health to be sacrificed (Hayhurst, 21). There is the blinding of mice to alter cosmetic manufacturers to produce a new kind of mascara and other.They also argue that animal reactions to drugs can be quite different from that of humans. Because of the irreconcilable biological differences among animals and human beings, the results of animal tests cannot be applied to human beings with any degree of confidence (qtd. in Lovegrove, 14). However, it is the issue of morality and ethics that is enveloping the entire argument against animal testing. Many people on this side believes that animals have the right to live and that humans cannot right treat them in any way just because they can.Apparently, both sides of the issue raises important points that should be considered to achieve a fair and justified treatment of the issue. Clearly, there is a lot at stake here whether in the moralit y or the medical advancement of human beings but both ways still considers what is good for man. Nevertheless, the problem with some animal rights activists is that, there is too much emphasis on ethics and too little emphasis on what they perceive as scientific turn a profits (qtd. in Connor).In our present situation where diseases are rampant, it is important that people must be receptive and open-minded enough to consider tough decisions such as supporting animal testing. It is also important that people weigh the circumstances of what animal research could do in the existence and survival of mankind in the future. The problem with some activists is that they focus so much on what is happening today that they tend to forget what could happen in the future. ConclusionOur world today is experiencing so some medical challenges such as the spread of A(H1N1) virus, cancer, AIDS and other diseases therefore, it is important that we consider sacrificing something today to enable us to prepare for the future. In addition, these animals also benefit from the testing as their future generations also benefits from the medical progress to which they contribute. Hence, it is quite reasonable to conclude that some tough decisions and actions should be made to make this stick better and safer for all of us. It is for the greater good that a few must suffer to attain something better in the future.

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